Class Focus: An intermediate class with a restorative ending; addresses external hip opening working towards Big Toe Posture, 1st and 2nd variations, followed by back extension including Puppy Pose and Seal; and a standing linear series of Crescent Lunge and Modified Crescent Lunge, leading to Dancer; then reclined twists, Thread the Needle and Restorative Child's Pose.
Class Description: Class starts standing and moves to an infinity pattern to gently stretch and open the energetic lines of the body; class has a focus on lengthening the vertical line of brahma sutra and also releasing foreign and unwanted energy from this area.
Class Focus: Addresses open hip with double mandalas including Pigeon, Triangle, Tree, Figure Four; addresses squared hip including Modified Crescent Lunge, Locust, and Teardrop Bow, closing out with restorative twists; energetically lengthens and strengthens the line of energy that extends within our being, head to toe, and connects us to heaven and earth.
Class Focus: A Power Vinyasa Class with a focus on external rotation of the hip with Warrior 2, Triangle, Half Moon, Modified Crescent Lunge, Standing Splits, Seal, Dancer, Bridge, Wheel; strong twist series includes Revolved Side Angle, Splits Prep with a twist, Revolved Triangle, Eagle to Half Moon, Big Toe, variation 3, Full Bird. Peak Postures of Dancer, Wheel, Revolved Triangle, Big Toe, 3rd variation, Bound Revolved Half Moon, Full Bird
Each class in the Samdhanna Yoga Active Beginner’s Series consists of an Attending the Spine Series, 2 to 3 basic standing postures with an associated standing balance posture followed by complementary floorwork. No prior yoga experience is required. Once you're comfortable with the Active Beginner Classes, you may wish to try our Foundations Classes.
Class Focus: Side body lengthening, lots of floor work, contains standing sequence for external rotation of hips to include Side Angle, Scandasana, Triangle, Tree, Figure Four, has option for peak posture of Big Toe, variations 1 and 2
Class Focus: External hip opening, hamstring lengthening, and side body length. Mandala is 2 Full Halves with a centerpiece. Includes peak postures of Big Toe, 1st and 2nd variations, Warrior 3, Splits, Side Plank with Big Toe option, Sundial