Class Description: Class starts with neck and shoulder work and moves to floorwork done on the back, then moves into restorative twists followed by Restorative Child and belly on the bolster; then movement begins with Modified Side Planks and attached to Sun A’s; class continues with two full rotations done in an open hip pattern accompanied by twists; class ends with roll backs and seated forward fold, Leg Up the Wall Pose and Savasana.
Class Description: A Power Vinyasa Class with lots of movement; class opens with two halves addressing twists, side body length and an open hip sequence;more open hip done in a linear format topped off with standing Tree Pose; this sequence is capped off with a shoulder opener, Malasana and Crow at the back of the mat; class continues with two full rotations that include a vertical arc on the front and horizontal on the back with Scandasana and a twist, then moves into Flying Splits to 3 point, to Plank, vinyasa and Down Dog; final sequence is a twist series that begins with floorwork moving into an infinity loop that takes you to standing twists including Eagle, Full Bird and Big Toe, 3rd variation; sequence closes with Chair in a prayer twist and option for Side Crow; class ends with seated forward fold and options for Leg Up the Wall or Shoulder Stand to Savasana.
Class Description: Another yummy feel-good soft vinyasa flow class with a heart-down moving floorwork series to a heart-up moving floorwork series; class continues with a full rotational mandala that has a twist series on the front leading to an open hip pattern on the back; contains standing balance postures of Eagle and Tree Pose; class ends with restorative heart opening and Restorative Child and belly on the bolster.
Class Description: A basic vinyasa class with a restorative ending. Class begins with an Attending the Spine series that takes place in a full rotational mandala with an infinity loop - this is a yummy feel-good series that takes about 45 minutes, then class moves on to focus on back extension with 2 full rotations done on a horizontal plane; includes Crescent Lunge, Modified Crescent Lunge and standing balance pose of Dancer; this standing series is followed by integrative floorwork of Puppy Pose, Seal, and Camel and concludes with Thread the Needle and reclined restorative twists.
Class Description: Class begins in Supported Fish, moves to side bodies and Restorative Child; after 45 minutes of stillness, class continues with soft integrative movements of Down Dog, Gate, Spinal Balance, Poster Girl, Thread the Needle and Happy Baby done in an infinity pattern, followed by movement for the cervical spine.
Class Description: One of Melody's favorite classes! A great class for active beginners who have no restrictions. Class has lots of movement and includes an infinity loop shared in two half mandalas; includes Down Dog several times but does not work off of it; includes Sphinx, Seal and Bridge for addressing back extension; has standing and reclined twists, Apanasana and Happy Baby; two full rotations that include Modified Crescent Lunge, Splits Prep, Warrior 2, Side Angle, Scandasana and Revolved Side Angle, with balance poses of Eagle and Tree. (Teacher Level 4)
Class Description: A slow-paced class with lots of one-sided movement done in an infinity pattern linked to a full rotational mandala, with the focus on twists including a 5 minute restorative twist done for each side; class then moves to floorwork that embraces front side body stretching done in Restorative Bridge accompanied by crossover work and more twists; class closes with two full halves for external hip opening and hamstring lengthening; includes balancing postures of Eagle, Half Moon and Tree, and peak posture of Revolved Triangle.
Class Description: A Power Vinyasa Class with lots of energetic work for balancing the subtle body; contains multiple mandala patterns, balancing postures of Big Toe 1st and 2nd variations, Tree, Half Moon, and Dancer to Figure Four; closing out with Seal, Happy Baby and twists.
Class Description: If you are an earth born baby and find it difficult to lay still in a restorative class, this one is for you. Class starts with soft movements and leads to restorative twists, Restorative Child and belly on the bolster; there is movement in between the stillness and lots of crossover work.
Class Description: Class starts reclined with angel wing breathing, then a series of Bridges to include a Restorative Bridge, followed by twists and Restorative Child; movement begins with Sun A’s attached to the attending the spine series; then a short linear sequence followed by two full rotations addressing open hips; class closes out on the floor with a seated wide leg fold sequence, and Leg Up the Wall Pose.
Class Description: A Power Vinyasa Class with several mandala patterns; opens with a full rotational mandala that contains an infinity loop for opening the hips and attending the spine with a short restorative piece; followed by a vertical arc mandala for continued external hip opening; then two full halves that contain squared hip sequences; class then moves to the floor for a back extension series that is followed by two halves that focus on twists; includes balancing postures of Big Toe 1st and 2nd variations, Eagle to Half Moon and Tree.
Class Description: A Power Vinyasa Class with lots of movement; opens with an infinity pattern followed by open hip series done in a vertical arc with a tag; followed by a squared hip vertical arc for continued lift; balancing poses include Big Toe 1st and 2nd variations, to Krishna Pose, Half Moon, Stork, Warrior 3, and Figure Four with an option for Flying Pigeon; class closes with rolling Planks, Reverse Planks and Boat Posture.
Class Description: Class begins with neck and shoulder work done from seated, then leads to an infinity pattern consisting of side body stretches and twists, followed by an open hip series done in a vertical arc with a linear tag; class concludes with a standing squared hip sequence that focuses on back extension and is accompanied with floorwork that includes Bridge, option for Wheel, and Reverse Planks; includes balancing postures of Tree, Half Moon, Big Toe 1st and 2nd variations, and Dancer.
Class Description: A Power Vinyasa Class that opens with a Pigeon twist mandala done in half vertical arcs and accompanied by Half Moon and standing Tree; followed by two full halves with an open hip series that includes Side Angle, Scandasana, Twist, Revolved Side Angle, Big Toe Posture 1st and 2nd variations, Triangle and Figure Four; then a squared hip series leading to standing balances of Warrior 3 to Figure Four; followed by Seal and Camel with a short floor series on the back to Savasana.
Class Description: Class begins with Attending the Spine series, followed by a squared hip linear series that leads to Seal, Bridge, and Wheel; then twists from a reclined position, to standing with a full rotational mandala that incorporates one-sided twists and an open hip series; includes balancing postures of Dancer, Revolved Half Moon, Cross Dancer, and Eagle to Half Moon.
Class Description: A Power Vinyasa Class starting in wide knee Child, with an Attending the Spine series that is attached to Sun A's and includes modified and full Side Plank, all done at a slow pace, followed by a faster moving pace that includes an open hip series done in a vertical arc mandala with a linear open hip tag; square hip series done in a vertical arc mandala and linear with balancing poses of Warrior 3 to Figure 4, and Big Toe 1st and 2nd variations, to Krishna Pose; class closes with more back extension and crossover twists.
Class Description: A class with an infinity pattern of movement that includes Happy Baby, Reclined Apanasana, Thread the Needle, Poster Girl, reclined on the belly crossover twist, followed by standing open hip and squared hip series done between two full halves to include standing balance poses of Tree to Krishna and Warrior 3 to Figure Four, ending with wide leg seated forward fold on the floor, seated forward fold, Bridge Pose and Reclined Goddess
Class Description: A class with multiple mandala patterns done both from floor and standing, includes lots of crossover work, back extension and open hip patterns; standing balance poses of Tree, several Half Moons and Big Toe 1st and 2nd variations
Class Description: A Power Vinyasa Class with lots of movement, includes open hip mandalas, squared hip in a linear format, and a short twist series with Spinal Balance and Cross Dancer
Class Description: A Power VinyasaClass with lots of movement, includes open hip and squared hip series; peak postures of full splits, Big Toe Variations 1 & 2, Bird of Paradise, and Bound Triangle