Addresses External Rotation of the Hip and Hamstring Lengthening; includes open hip poses of Warrior 2, Modified and Full Side Angle, Triangle, and Tree standing; complementary floorwork includes Tree on the floor, Seated Staff Pose, Wide Leg Seated Forward Fold, Leg Up the Wall Pose, Reclined Twists, and Savasana taken in Corpse Pose.
By watching the videos in this section, you'll be learning to place basic Twists in a Linear Sequence from both the top of the mat and the back of the mat. The videos will be working either from the top of the mat or the back of the mat to share this concept. As an additional resource, your Module 2 handout includes a comprehensive series of written mini sequences that contain multiple versions of this concept, allowing you to carry them to your mat to work with and practice at your own pace. These written mini sequences also provide a powerful source to use later to create full classes.
Note: There are more written sequences than videos so that you have a larger and more permanent resource from which to create your own classes.
Addresses Twists; introduces Sun Salutations and focuses on twists including Revolved Side Angle, Splits Prep with a Twist, Revolved Triangle, and Eagle; complementary floorwork includes Seated and Reclined Twists, with Savasana taken in Corpse Pose. (Note: Each of the Active Beginner Series Classes consisted of an Attending the Spine series, and a basic standing series, followed by complementary floorwork.)
The following 2 classes place several mini sequences together to address multiple openings in one class, offering a more diverse class by placing both squared hip and open hip sequences in a single class.
Practice Foundations Class 1 and Vinyasa Flow Class 41 to experience and gain a feel for addressing all 7 elements of opening in a single class. The written version of Foundations Class 1 is included in the Module 2 handout so you can see how to place multiple mini sequences together to create a class.
Class Description: consists of basic standing poses Warrior 2, Triangle, Side Angle, Half Moon, Goddess, Crescent Lunge and Modified Crescent Lunge, and Modified Side Planks, Splits Prep, Bridge, Restorative Child.
Class Description: A Power Vinyasa Class that opens with Modified and Full Side Planks placed in Sun Salutations which includes an infinity pattern to address both sides of the body and bring a very soothing aspect to the subtle body and balance to one's energy; then a linear squared hip series for back extension, hip flexion and extension, and moving to walking Dakasanas; next a full rotational mandala focusing on external hip rotation with a vertical front and horizontal return and standing balance postures of Half Moon, Figure Four, Big Toe 1st and 2nd variations; class then moves to the floor for more back extension with Bridges and closes with a twist series done in a linear format with standing balance poses of Eagle, Half Moon, Tree, and arm balance Side Crow.