200 RYT Samdhaana Yoga® Teacher Training

9 Months/One 3-Day Weekend Per Month
Dates: Sept. 13 - 15, Oct. 4 - 6, Nov. 1 - 3, Dec. 6 - 8, Jan. 10 - 12, Feb. 7 - 9, Mar 6 - 8, April 3 - 5, May 1 - 3
Time: Friday & Saturday 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Cost: $2,500 (includes one year of access to our comprehensive online Art of Sequencing Workshop AND all of our Online Classes)
Location: Training held at Sacred Space, 229 Market Street, Mount Airy, NC
Cancellation Policy: Before training begins, deposits/tuition may be refunded, minus a $150 non-refundable deposit. Once training begins, no refunds will be given.
Our mission is to bring forth mindful guides who share yoga in its whole form, as a means of healing and maintaining the health of mind, body and spirit, and the cultivation of the soul.
If wearing my pink rain boots when it rains makes me feel good, then pink rainboots it is. Trying to feel good is how Samdhanna Yoga came to be. It is a practice that is based on patterns of movement and direction of energy that support and strengthen the subtle body, and therefore supports the physical body. All illnesses are manifestations of blocked paths of energy. Samdhaana Yoga is a supportive practice for the energy one holds and is made up of sequences that takes place through sacred circles and infinity patterns on your mat.
It is a heart directed practice based on the principles of balance and symmetry. This beautiful practice directs centering energy back to one’s being with a foundational formula set up to guide the yoga practitioner towards self and the knowledge that lies within.
If you are not planning to teach yoga, but you want to expand your personal practice and learn how to move on your mat, this Teacher Training is for you too!
Syllabus Highlights
- Learn the Eight Limb Path of Yoga
- Understand the Living Principles (Yamas and NiYamas)
- Physical Constitutional Make-up of the Body and the role yoga has in supporting it
- Mental Constitution Make-up of the Mind and the role yoga has in supporting it
- The Role of Prana and Pranayama
- The Vayus of Prana and their directed paths and governing aspects
- Understand Dharma, Svadharma, Brahman, Atman, and Purusha
- The Causal Body and the Three Powers of the Soul
- The Subtle Body
- Basics of the Charka System and its relation to the yoga practice
Teaching Practicum
- Learn the Fundamental Formula, which is the framework for creating dynamic classes and sequences
- Understand how to categorize poses as either open or squared hip, and how to place them together in complementary sequences to address both anatomical openings and optimal energetic feel
- The 3 Principles that govern rotation on your mat in varying mandala formats, allowing you to choreograph patterns of movement that guide and direct the flow of energy
- How to apply these Principles to any type of class and any level class – beginner, alignment-based and vinyasa flow
- How to direct movement on the mat in a linear format
- How to guide sacred circles (mandalas) and understanding the concepts behind these rotations, such as horizontal and vertical paths, and creating energetic spheres in which to practice
- How to write a class by putting mini sequences together to create an endless variety of creative, dynamic classes
- How to create anatomical and energetic balance in your classes
- How to maintain a feeling of flow without vinyasas
- How to teach a class to multiple levels
- This section is supported with over 70 Sequencing Tutorials, Tons of Written Resources, and more than 40 video classes to participate in online that share the concepts you are learning. The Art of Sequencing Workshop works in conjunction with this training and is included as part of your training.
- Anatomical terms of motion and its relationship to the yoga practice and sequencing
- Proper alignment in relation to the yoga poses
- The Bhandas and their energetic support
- The 7 Moving Principles
- The Biomechanics of Stretching
- The Physiology of Stretching
- Learn Verbal Adjustments and Assists
- Understand Basic Hands on Assists
Teaching Methodology
- Why Teach Yoga
- Qualities of a Great Teacher
- Challenges a Teacher Faces
- Communication Tips and Techniques for Teaching
- Sharing Sutras
- The use of Sanskrit Terms
- Taking Your Students to the Edge
- Addressing Women’s Issues Ethics
- The Business of Teaching Yoga
Please download, complete and send in our Teacher Training Intake Form
Questions? Call Melody White at 336-755-2076
Continue Your Love of Yoga
Deepen your own understandings of this ancient healing practice, and aid others in the development of self through Samdhaana Yoga® Teacher Training. Samdhaana Yoga® Teacher Training The training is integrative and developed to immerse you in all aspects of yoga including deep studies in philosophy, a strong understanding of the asana practice and its intended purpose, the role of prana and the use of pranayama, moving principles for the energetic aspects of the practice, the biomechanics and physiology of stretching, anatomy in relation to alignment and adjustments, understanding the various forms of balance, the ability to sequence a balanced class in multiple formats, teaching methodology, and more.
The Beauty of Samdhaana
Samdhaana Yoga® is a practice based on energetic principles that support the strength and health of the subtle body. It can be practiced and taught in multiple formats – beginners, alignment based, and/or vinyasa. The beauty of Samdhaana is that it restricts nothing, nor defines for the teacher what poses to take or teach. Rather, it lays out principles that govern movement anatomically and energetically, providing its teachers with the knowledge needed to use their own creativity and authenticity to build classes. Samdhaana embraces the unique gifts of each individual and fosters the sharing of these gifts with each individual teacher’s classes.
What You Will Learn In Samdhaana Yoga® Teacher Training
Students learn mini sequences that address the 7 basic elements of opening the body, providing the knowledge to create classes that build to one or multiple peak postures or that open and address all areas of the body. By learning the anatomical and energetic aspects of the poses and understanding complementary and mimicking poses for a sequence, Samdhaana teachers can accessorize basic mini sequences and incorporate floor work into the practice. This provides for multi layered sequences and active/passive sequences, which further enhance radial balance by addressing the practice in terms of heart up and heart down, and the creation of energetic movement along a horizontal plane and energetic movement along a vertical plane.
Linear or Mandala Format
Samdhaana Yoga® can be taught and practiced in linear or mandala (rotational) format, but is most often taught in mandala format, as the mandala itself offers many aspects of healing. Samdhaana Yoga® is the founder of the principles that direct rotational movement on the mat. When applied to the yoga practice, these principles allow one to feel radial balance, which is optimum in terms of balance.
Understandings You Will Gain
Graduates of Samdhaana Yoga ®Teacher Training have a great understanding of the energies that make up the world and how one can be supported by them in their practice and daily lives; the eight limb path and how to create classes that embrace all aspects; how to share a class with clear and concise communication so that practitioners can hear the whispering of their own souls and continue the process of cultivation; the physical and mental constitutions that make up one’s being, how the yoga practice is associated with them, and how to aid practitioners in meeting the needs of their individual make up. If what you have read resonates with your spirit, we invite you to further explore our school with Yoga Alliance or get in touch with us for more information.
What's it like to train with Samdhaana Yoga® founder, Melody White?
“As a 20+ year yoga student, I cannot say enough about Melody White and the Samdhaana Yoga Teacher Training Program! I could not have imagined how much it would enrich my own personal practice, as well as give me such wonderful tools to teach others safely, with confidence and compassion. Melody is a genius and her loving spirit can be felt in every sequence she has written and shares with her students. With Samdhaana Yoga, you truly do feel the difference of a mindful, energetically aligned practice. I will forever be grateful to Melody for sharing her soul with me and imparting wisdom that I may share with others.” - Carla Ann Drummond
"Melody has founded Samdhaana yoga with her vast knowledge and awareness of our energetic bodies. By combining traditional yoga postures, breath work and energetic balancing in her classes, students come away feeling harmonized, energized and at peace. I'm so grateful to have done her teacher training. Because she has so much body awareness, she teaches sequences that balance our energies, while strengthening and lengthening our bodies. I've never found a teacher who has the broad knowledge and skill at sequencing energetically aware classes. Even though I now live in Texas, I still practice to her podcasts and take her workshops. If you're lucky enough to train with her or take her workshops, DO IT! There's no one like her and it will be a gift to your body and your soul." - Tara Beck
"My yoga teacher training with Melody White and her Samdhaana Yoga School was transformative. As a yoga student for many years, I knew well how wonderful the poses made me feel during a good class. Moreover, I also knew when, during a bad class or two, a few sequences felt off, wrong, or just bad. What I didn’t know then was that my body wasn’t ready at that time for a twist or a balancing pose or inversion. My body wasn’t ready because I hadn’t been given enough previous openings to make the more sophisticated and difficult poses comfortable. I learned that, and so much more, while doing my 200 hour RYT training with Melody White of Sacred Space. An energetic peace. That’s the wonderful benefit that I discovered through training with Melody. The yoga teacher training program was thoroughly integrative and immersed me in ALL aspects of Yoga. As a Christian, the deep study of yoga philosophy fascinated and surprised me most. Melody, also a Christian, was able to allay any doubts or confusion I held with regard to blending yoga and my religion. Her thoughtful and insightful teacher training program opened up my eyes as well as my yoga practice to a whole new world of opportunities to share my love of yoga with the world. Since completing the program in June 2014, I have been teaching a bunch! The abrupt departure of a teacher at the studio where I already worked opened up an immediate need to teach. Though I was initially apprehensive about teaching that first class, I quickly realized that my training had prepared me for just this type of new challenge. Six months later, I am happy to report that each class is a joy to teach and not a day goes by that I’m not forever grateful to Melody White and the Samdhaana Yoga School for my training and so much more. Namaste." - Lisa Cox
"Melody first introduced me to Samdhaana Yoga in teacher training. She allowed me to discover it for myself when she suggested that each day I get on my mat with no plan or pre-conceived idea of what to do. It was an incredible experience. I allowed my body to move (within the framework of yoga asanas) as it desired. When I got off my mat I found I had completed a practice that felt really, really good, one that addressed what my body needed. I continued to do this and enjoyed watching how each practice was very different from the next; for example, one might have an emphasis on arm balances, another on heart openings, one very active, another very grounded, and everything in between. I never knew what I would be doing when I stepped on the mat. I became more in tune with my body and began to respect what it was saying. In this way I started to connect to my subtle energies. I am convinced that through Melody and Samdhaana Yoga I have personally grown in many ways. Melody’s knowledge, continued support (even after the completion of the teacher training), and wonderful encouragement have enabled me to do things I never thought I could." - Ann Levine