...helped my anxiety shrink exponentially...

“What an awesome and wonderful yoga class! I’m so glad I went! I feel so much more centered, relaxed, flowing, calm, strong, and peaceful! It was just what I needed!” This is part of my journal entry from December 22, 2016.

Though I have sporadically practiced yoga for several years, I have only become a dedicated yogi the last seven months at Sacred Space. Many days I race through the door desperately declaring, “I need yoga!” And yoga delivers!

I noticed a big difference in my strength after only two months, as I stood for almost eight hours one Saturday volunteering at the annual zoo fundraiser. Normally I begin to slump and feel the tiredness kick in after a couple of hours on my feet, but this time I noticed I was standing tall and strong as my body seemed to naturally ground into “mountain pose.” I could feel the energy and strength in my core, running up my spine and down my legs.

Sometimes if I think I can’t handle the more difficult yoga poses, I remind my body to move “mindfully” to avoid injury, and so far this has worked! I am aware of and listen to my body as it moves through asanas. It surprises and delights me when I complete a class I thought was too advanced for me. I’ve noticed this kind of mindful movement also transfers over to my daily activities, such as going down the stairs, getting in the car, lifting things, shopping, even sitting, standing, or lying down.

Living in the present moment has always been hard for me, as my “monkey mind” is constantly reliving the past or worrying about what is going to happen. In yoga class, I am fully present and focused on what is happening at that very moment. Relaxing music, aromatic essential oils in the diffuser, soft candlelight, and blankets, mats, bolsters, blocks, sandbags, and lavender eye pillows appeal to all my senses, holding me in the present moment. I leave my cares outside the door, and I don’t pick them back up on my way out! I love that I’ve learned to “be still and know”. Yoga has helped my anxiety shrink exponentially!

Added benefits I have received include sharing with like-minded yoga lovers, forming friendships, trusting, learning, and feeling safe and confident. I have even deepened spiritually as I connect with the Divine and my sacred inner self in the peaceful surroundings at Sacred Space.

Shall I say I have become passionate about yoga? I think it is clear I have. - L.P.

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