Dosha Quiz
VATA means wind and is associated with the nervous system. These poses are particularly beneficial for vata:
- Dandasana calms vata
- Lotus regulates vata Siddhasana calms vata
- Lions Pose reduces vata
- Tadasana balances vata
- Triangle especially good for vata
- Warrior 2 grounding and stabilizing for vata
- Extended Side Angle reduces vata
- Down Dog grounding for vata
- Viparitakarani (hips supported by block or blanket and legs straight up) balances vata
- Easy Cobra Pose calms vata in the colon
- Upavistha Konoasana (wide leg seated forward fold) reduces vata
- Paschimottasana (seated forward fold) soothes vata imbalance
- Reclined Twists good for vata
- Seated Spinal Twists reduces vata
- Savasana helps relieve accumulated vata or stress
PITTA means fire and is associated with the digestive system.These poses are particularly beneficial for pitta:
- Dandasana calms pitta
- Lions Pose increases pitta
- Tadasana balances pitta
- Triangle or Trikonasana good for pitta
- Viparitakarani (hips supported by block or blanket and legs straight up) balances pitta
- Easy Cobra Pose harmonizes pitta
- Fish Posture helps move pitta out of digestive system and liver
- Upavistha Konoasana (wide leg seated forward fold) reduces pitta
- Paschimottasana (seated forward fold) excellent for reducing pitta
- Reclined Twists good for pitta
- Seated Spinal Twists reduces pitta
- Savasana cools down pitta
KAPHA means “what makes things stick together” and is associated with the tissues of the body. These poses are particularly beneficial for kapha:
- Dandasana reduces kapha
- Lions Pose reduces kapha
- Tadasana balances kapha
- Triangle good for kapha
- Warrior 2 reduces kapha
- Extended Side Angle reduces kapha
- Down Dog energizes kapha
- Supported Shoulder Stand regulates kapha in the region of the chest
- Viparitakarani (hips supported by block or blanket and legs straight up) balances kapha
- Paschimottasana (seated forward fold) reduces kapha
For information about finding your mental constitutional make-up, visit
Suggested Reading: Yoga and Ayurveda ~ Self Healing & Self Realization by David Frawley